The University of Strasbourg and the CNRS, through their research components (Institut de Physique du Globe - IPGS), observation and service (Ecole et Observatoire des Sciences de la Terre) in geosciences, organize, in collaboration with CNES, ESA and BRGM, the 5th edition of MDIS "Measurement of Surface Deformation by Earth Observation images" of the ForM@Ter solid Earth datacentre.
Organization committee
Jean-Philippe Malet (EOST/IPGS), Cécile Doubre (EOST/IPGS), Aline Déprez (EOST/A2S)
Michaelis Foumelis (BRGM/CNES/ESA - GeoHazard Office), Marcelo de Michele (BRGM), Daniel Raucoules (BRGM)
Scientific committee
Olivier Cavalié (Geoazur, Université de Nice-Sophia-Antipolis), Valérie Cayol (LMV, Université Clermont-Auvergne), Marie-Pierre Doin (ISTerre, Grenoble), Philippe Durand (CNES, Toulouse), Jean-Luc Froger (LMV, Université Clermont-Auvergne), Romain Jolivet (Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris), Cécile Lasserre (LGLTPE, Lyon), Mathilde Radiguet (ISTerre, Grenoble), Emmanuel Trouvé (PolyTech Annecy/Chambéry), Odin Marc (ETH, Zurich), Catherine Proy (CNES), Floriane Provost (ESA/Esrin).